How to See Who Rewatched Your Snapchat Story?


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How to See Who Rewatched Your Snapchat Story?
How to See Who Rewatched Your Snapchat Story?

Millions of people use Snapchat every day to share moments with friends. Here are some questions raised ”how to see who rewatched your Snapchat story?”. What makes it unique is its disappearing messages photos and videos that vanish after a short time. It’s a quick, fun way to stay connected.

With Snapchat, you can add filters to your photos turning yourself into cute animals or trying out funny effects. There’s also Snap Map where you can see where your friends are and discover events nearby. Snapchat Stories lets you share your day in a series of snaps that disappear in 24 hours. Quickly, it’s lively and it’s all about playfully sharing those everyday moments.

The app constantly adds cool features like Bitmoji integration stickers and even augmented reality lenses. The popularity of Snapchat lies in its dynamic and creative approach to communication. Making it more than just an app it’s a vibrant visual way to share and connect with friends in the moment.

Snapchat Story Rewatch feature on Snapchat Plus

Snapchat Plus brings an exciting feature called Story Rewatch. Users can see how many friends rewatched their stories. It’s a cool way to know your content is making an impact. But here’s the deal this feature is exclusively for Snapchat Plus subscribers adding an extra touch to their Snapchat experience.

Can You See Who Rewatched Your Story on Snapchat?

On standard Snapchat, you can’t personally see who rewatched your story. Snapchat Plus changes the game. Subscribers of Snapchat Plus gain access to the Story Rewatch count. Providing insight into the number of friends who revisited their stories. It adds a layer of engagement without disclosing specific names or IDs, keeping things intriguing.

While the regular Snapchat experience offers a glimpse into who viewed your story. Snapchat Plus takes it a step further offering a unique feature for subscribers to gauge the impact of their stories through the Rewatch Indicator.

On standard Snapchat when you post a story you can see how many people have rewatched it. But there’s a limitation you can’t see the specific usernames or identities of those viewers. This information is intentionally kept private by Snapchat to respect user privacy.

The introduction of Snapchat Plus provides users with a Story Rewatch count feature allowing them to see the number of friends who have revisited their stories. However, even with this upgraded feature, Snapchat maintains the practice of not revealing the specific usernames or identities of the individuals who have rewatched a story. This ensures that the social aspect of Snapchat remains engaging while respecting the privacy preferences of its users.

Difference between Snapchat Standard and Snapchat Plus

Difference between Snapchat Standard and Snapchat Plus

Let’s outline the differences between various features on standard Snapchat and Snapchat Plus:

Story Rewatch Count

Standard Snapchat: Doesn’t provide a detailed count of story rewatches or specific usernames.

Snapchat Plus: Introduces the Story Rewatch count displaying the number of friends who revisited a story without revealing identities.

Exclusive Features for Snapchat Plus Subscribers

Standard Snapchat: Offers basic features like sharing stories snaps and engaging with friends.

Snapchat Plus: Subscribers enjoy additional perks such as the Story Rewatch count Pinning a Best Friend as the #1 BFF Priority Story Replies Post View Emoji Friend Solar Systems Snapchat+ badge and more.

Snapchat Story Interaction

Standard Snapchat: Provides views and screenshots data without specific details.

Snapchat Plus: Enhances user interaction with the introduction of the Story Rewatch count for a more comprehensive view of story engagement.

Privacy Measures

Standard Snapchat: Maintains user privacy by not disclosing specific identities or usernames.

Snapchat Plus: Respects privacy while offering additional features exclusive to subscribers.

Visual Enhancements

Standard Snapchat: Allows users to add filters use Snap Map and share stories.

Snapchat Plus: Adds visual elements like Bitmoji integration stickers augmented reality lenses and exclusive backgrounds for a more dynamic experience.

Cost and Subscription

Standard Snapchat: Free to use with some optional in-app purchases.

Snapchat Plus: Requires a subscription cost of $3.99 per month after a trial period providing access to exclusive features.

What is the Rewatch Indicator on Snapchat Plus?

The Rewatch Indicator on Snapchat Plus is a cool feature. Users let’s see how many times their stories have been rewatched. It’s like a virtual thumbs-up indicating the impact of your content. By tapping on the eye emoji next to a specific story. Users can easily check the rewatch count a simple way to gauge the popularity and resonance of their shared moments with friends.

The Rewatch Indicator on Snapchat Plus serves as a virtual counter, revealing the number of times other users have rewatched your stories. Its purpose is to provide Snapchat Plus subscribers with valuable insights into the engagement level of their content. By tapping on the eye emoji next to a specific story, users can access the Rewatch Indicator, offering a quick and visual way to measure the impact and popularity of their shared stories among friends.

Purpose of Rewatch Indicator on Snapchat Plus

The Rewatch Indicator on Snapchat Plus counts how many times friends rewatch your stories. Its purpose is to quickly show subscribers the engagement level of their content. Tapping the eye emoji reveals the Rewatch Indicator a visual measure of story popularity. It’s like a thumbs up for your stories indicating their impact on friends.

The Rewatch Indicator lets you see the numbers without revealing specific names. Easily accessible by tapping the eye emoji it’s a simple gauge for your story’s resonance. No need to wonder it quickly shows how many times your content is being enjoyed.

The Rewatch Indicator on Snapchat Plus is versatile. It counts the number of times stories are rewatched across various story types. It’s your My Story Private stories, Public stories, or shared stories this feature provides a comprehensive count. It ensures that Snapchat Plus subscribers get insights into the rewatch activity across different types of content they share with their friends.

How to Activate the Story Rewatch Count Feature?

There are some steps to activate your story rewatch count feature:

  • To activate the Story Rewatch Count on Snapchat Plus, open the Snapchat app.
  • Tap on your Bitmoji icon in the top left corner of the screen.
  • Select the Snapchat+ membership card from the options.
  • Toggle on the “Story Rewatch Indicator” to enable the feature.
  • Now, you can easily see the count whenever someone rewatches your story.
  • Ensure your Snapchat app is updated before activating the feature.
  • These simple steps unlock the Story Rewatch Count, enhancing your Snapchat experience.
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How to Check Who Rewatched Your Story on Snapchat Plus

There are some steps to check who rewatched your story on Snapchat Plus:

  • Open Snapchat and log in with your credentials.
  • Tap on “My Story” to view your posted stories.
  • Look for the eye emoji next to your story this is the Rewatch Indicator.
  • The number next to the emoji is the count of friends who rewatched your story.
  • Tap on the emoji to see the names of friends who enjoyed your story again.
  • This feature is exclusive to Snapchat Plus subscribers enhancing their story-tracking experience.
  • With just a few taps Snapchat Plus users can easily check who rewatched their stories for a more personalized engagement overview.

Limitations of the Rewatch Indicator

The Rewatch Indicator on Snapchat Plus counts one rewatch per person, preventing multiple views from the same individual from inflating the count. It does not disclose the total number of times a story has been rewatched, focusing solely on the count of friends who revisited the story. The feature maintains anonymity refraining from revealing the specific names or IDs of friends who have rewatched the story.

While it offers insights into engagement, it does not provide detailed information about the nature or duration of the rewatch. The Rewatch Indicator, while valuable, is exclusively available to Snapchat Plus subscribers, limiting access for standard Snapchat users. Users looking for granular details on individual rewatch activities may find the feature somewhat restrictive.

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Why The Rewatch Indicator Isn’t Working

If the Rewatch Indicator on Snapchat Plus isn’t working, users might need to manually enable the feature. To do this, open Snapchat, tap the Bitmoji icon, select Snapchat+ membership, and turn on the toggle next to ‘Story Rewatch Indicator. Once activated, the eye emoji should appear, showcasing the Rewatch Indicator and providing insights into story engagement.

It’s a simple toggle that ensures users can access the Rewatch Indicator effortlessly, allowing them to track the rewatch count of their stories. Checking and adjusting the settings as needed ensures a seamless experience, providing a quick solution if the Rewatch Indicator initially appears inactive.

How to get Snapchat Plus?

  • To get Snapchat Plus, ensure your Snapchat app is updated to the latest version.
  • Open Snapchat, go to your profile, and tap on “Snapchat Plus.”
  • Click “Next” and view the available plans, then tap “Start Free Trial.”
  • Fill in your details, tap “Subscribe” and enjoy exclusive features for $3.99 per month after the trial period.
  • With Snapchat Plus, you’ll unlock a range of exciting features, including the Story Rewatch Indicator and more, enhancing your Snapchat experience.
How to get Snapchat Plus?

How does the Rewatch Indicator work on Stories I post to Snapchat?

The Rewatch Indicator on Snapchat Plus works by counting how many friends rewatch your posted stories. Simply tap on a specific story, and the number next to the eye emoji indicates the rewatch count. It tallies the number of friends who have revisited your My Story, Private stories, Public stories, or shared stories.

Each tap on the eye emoji provides a quick insight into the popularity and engagement level of your shared content. Remember that it counts only one rewatch per person, maintaining a fair and accurate representation of your story’s impact.


The Story Rewatch Indicator on Snapchat Plus enriches the user experience by providing detailed insights into story engagement. Snapchat Plus subscribers not only enjoy this exclusive feature but also access a suite of perks. Making the subscription a gateway to a more dynamic and personalized social media journey. It underscores Snapchat’s commitment to innovation offering users unique tools to connect and express themselves in the evolving landscape of social media.

With its innovative features like the Rewatch Indicator is not just a subscription but a means for users to stay ahead in the evolving social media landscape. It exemplifies Snapchat’s dedication to enhancing user interaction and ensuring. A more vibrant and engaging platform for its subscribers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I see who rewatched my story on standard Snapchat?

No, standard Snapchat doesn’t reveal specific usernames of rewatched stories; the feature is exclusive to Snapchat Plus subscribers.

How does the Rewatch Indicator work on Snapchat Plus?

The Rewatch Indicator counts story rewatches, showing the number next to the eye emoji; it’s available only for Snapchat Plus subscribers.

Is the Rewatch Indicator available for all Snapchat users?

No, the Rewatch Indicator is a feature reserved for Snapchat Plus subscribers, providing an exclusive insight into story engagement.

What other features come with a Snapchat Plus subscription?

Snapchat Plus subscribers enjoy perks like customized icons, priority story replies, and unique backgrounds, enhancing their overall Snapchat experience.

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