What Does WhatsApp Single Tick Mean Even When Online?


What Does WhatsApp Single Tick Mean Even When Online?
What Does WhatsApp Single Tick Mean Even When Online?

WhatsApp is a widely popular messaging application used by millions globally. It offers a range of features including texting, calling and sharing various types of media such as images videos, and documents. This platform serves both personal and business communication needs providing a convenient way to connect with friends, family, colleagues, and clients.

With its user-friendly interface and end-to-end encryption, WhatsApp ensures secure and private conversations. Here are some questions arise ”What Does WhatsApp Single Tick Mean Even When Online?”. Users can also send voice messages and make video calls, enhancing the communication experience. Accessible on smartphones, WhatsApp has become an essential tool for staying connected in today’s digital world.

Messages sent via WhatsApp are instantaneous allowing for real-time communication between users. Whether it’s a quick text a voice message or a multimedia file WhatsApp ensures that messages are delivered promptly. This immediacy facilitates efficient communication enabling users to stay connected regardless of their location.

WhatsApp’s encryption ensures that messages remain private and secure, fostering trust among users. The platform’s ease of use and reliability make it a preferred choice for exchanging messages, whether for casual chats or important conversations.

What is the purpose of WhatsApp Single Tick?

In WhatsApp, a single gray tick next to a message indicates that the message has been successfully sent from your device to the WhatsApp server but it has not yet been delivered to the recipient’s device. This means that the message is in transit and has not reached the intended recipient.

The single tick does not necessarily mean that the message has been read by the recipient. Once the message is successfully delivered to the recipient’s device the single gray tick will change to double gray ticks.

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What Does WhatsApp Single Tick Mean?

When you see a single gray tick next to your message in WhatsApp it signifies that the message has been transmitted from your device to WhatsApp’s servers. It hasn’t yet reached the recipient’s device. This status indicates that the message is still in transit and hasn’t been delivered to the intended person.

It’s important to note that the single tick doesn’t confirm whether the recipient has seen or read the message. Only after the message has been successfully delivered to the recipient’s device. Will the single gray tick turn into double gray ticks indicating that the message has been delivered.

What is the difference between one grey tick and two on WhatsApp?

What is the difference between one grey tick and two on WhatsApp?

The ticks next to your messages indicate the status of message delivery. Here’s what each tick represents:

One gray tick

This means your message has been successfully sent from your device but hasn’t been delivered to the recipient yet. It could be due to various reasons, such as the recipient’s phone being turned off, having no internet connection, or the recipient being outside the network coverage area.

Two gray ticks

When you see two gray ticks next to your message, it means your message has been successfully delivered to the recipient’s device. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the recipient has read the message. The recipient’s phone might be connected to the internet, but they might not have opened the WhatsApp chat or read the specific message.

What does two blue ticks mean on WhatsApp?

What does two blue ticks mean on WhatsApp?

When you see two blue ticks next to your message in WhatsApp, it signifies that the recipient has indeed read your message. It provides a clear indication that your communication has been acknowledged and received. This feature can be helpful in tracking the status of your messages and knowing when your recipient has engaged with your content.

My contact has read the message but the double ticks are still grey – why is this?

If your contact has read the message, but the double ticks are still gray instead of turning blue, it could be due to a few reasons:


Your contact may have disabled read receipts in their WhatsApp settings. This feature allows users to prevent others from seeing when they have read messages.

Internet Connection

Sometimes, even if the recipient has read the message, the double ticks may not turn blue immediately if their device is not connected to the internet. The double ticks will only turn blue once the recipient’s device establishes an internet connection.

App Glitch

In rare cases, there may be a glitch or issue with the WhatsApp application itself, causing the double ticks not to turn blue even after the message has been read.

Privacy settings

The recipient may have disabled the read receipts feature in their WhatsApp settings. By doing so, they prevent the blue ticks from appearing even if they have read your message. This is a privacy feature that allows users to maintain their message read status hidden.

Older version of WhatsApp

If the recipient is using an older version of WhatsApp, it’s possible that their version of the app doesn’t support the blue tick feature. In such cases, the ticks will remain gray regardless of whether the message has been read.

How do I turn off double ticks on WhatsApp Business?

In WhatsApp Business, you can’t directly turn off the double ticks (read receipts) feature. The read receipts are enabled by default and indicate when a message has been read by the recipient. However, you can disable read receipts on your end by following these steps:

  • Open WhatsApp Business on your device.
  • Go to “Settings” by tapping on the three-dot menu icon in the top-right corner.
  • Select “Account” from the list of options.
  • In the Account settings, tap on “Privacy“.
  • Under Privacy, you’ll find the option “Read receipts” Toggle it off to disable read receipts.
  • Keep in mind that by turning off read receipts, you won’t be able to see when others have read your messages as well.

Should I turn off read receipts on WhatsApp Business?

Whether to turn off read receipts on WhatsApp Business depends on your preferences and the nature of your interactions with customers. Here are some considerations to help you decide:

Privacy Concerns

If you value your privacy or prefer not to disclose when you have read messages, you may choose to disable read receipts. This can prevent customers from knowing whether you have seen their messages, giving you more control over your communication.

Customer Expectations

Consider the expectations of your customers. Some customers may expect businesses to have read receipts enabled to ensure prompt responses. Disabling read receipts could lead to misunderstandings or frustration if customers believe their messages are being ignored.

Response Time

If your business strives to provide quick responses to customer inquiries, leaving read receipts enabled can help convey your responsiveness. Customers may feel reassured knowing that their messages have been seen, even if you’re unable to respond immediately.


Enabling read receipts can promote transparency and accountability in your interactions with customers. They will know when you have viewed their messages, which can help build trust and credibility.Top of Form

How do double blue ticks work in group messages?

In group messages on WhatsApp, the double blue ticks function similarly to individual chats but with some differences due to the group dynamic:

Message Delivered to Group

When a message is successfully delivered to the WhatsApp servers and then to the group chat, the double gray ticks will turn into double blue ticks for each participant who has received the message on their device.

Message Read by All Participants

Once every participant in the group has seen the message, the double blue ticks will appear next to the message for all members. This indicates that the message has been read by everyone in the group.

Varied Read Status

In larger groups, it’s common for participants to read messages at different times. The double blue ticks will appear for each member individually as they read the message. So, if some members have read the message while others haven’t, the double blue ticks may appear next to some names but not others.

Read Receipts Settings

Similar to individual chats, if any participant has disabled read receipts in their WhatsApp settings, the double blue ticks may not appear even after they have read the message. This can affect the overall read status of the group message.

What does it mean if I don’t have any ticks next to my WhatsApp message?

If you don’t see any ticks next to your WhatsApp message, it typically means that the message has not been successfully sent. Here are a few possible reasons for this:

Poor Internet Connection

If you’re experiencing a weak or unstable internet connection, the message may not be able to be sent to WhatsApp’s servers. Without a stable connection, the message cannot be transmitted, and thus, no ticks will appear.

Message Not Sent

Sometimes, the message fails to send due to an error on either end (sender or recipient). This could happen if there’s a problem with the recipient’s phone, such as low storage space or issues with the WhatsApp application.

Blocked Contact

If you’ve been blocked by the recipient, your messages won’t be delivered, and you won’t see any ticks. However, you would usually see a single tick indicating the message was sent, but if the contact blocked you before the message was sent, you might not even see that.

Server Issues

Occasionally, WhatsApp experiences server issues that can affect message delivery. During these times, messages may not be sent or delivered promptly.


When you see a single gray tick on WhatsApp, it means that your message has been sent from your device to WhatsApp’s servers but hasn’t yet been delivered to the recipient’s device. Even when you’re online, various factors like internet connectivity issues or recipient settings can delay message delivery.

Therefore, seeing a single tick doesn’t necessarily indicate that the message has been received or read by the recipient. It’s essential to consider these factors before interpreting the status of your messages on WhatsApp.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is there a single tick on WhatsApp even when I’m online?

The single tick indicates that the message has been sent from your device to WhatsApp’s servers but hasn’t yet been delivered to the recipient.

Does a single tick mean the recipient has received my message?

Not necessarily. It means the message has been sent but not yet delivered to the recipient’s device.

Can I see a single tick if the recipient is online?

The single tick appears regardless of the recipient’s online status; it simply denotes message transmission.

How long does it take for a single tick to change to double ticks?

It varies based on internet speed and the recipient’s connectivity, typically changing once the message is delivered.

Why does a single tick persist even after I’ve sent multiple messages?

It could be due to network issues or the recipient’s unavailability, delaying message delivery confirmation.

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